Mandatory Assignment 06 – Person, Product & Natural Lightning

I where to photograph and edit two photographs for a fictional ad campaign. The campaign is advertising technical sportswear for a client of my choice. I where to focus on the activity and the environment and produce two photographs showing motion blur and freeze motion using natural lightning outdoors.


Salomon is the brand to choose for those who wants quality hiking and running gear. The shoe is like a running partner with its support and shape. It doesn’t matter if you are an amateur or veteran, you still need a shoe that is built for the outdoor adventure. Salomon gives you just that and more.

The concept is to convey that message by photographing the shoe in action. The model has have full speed and I need to show the target group that Salomon makes all the difference.

These are the two photos I chose for the assignment:

Motion Blur

Aperture: f/11

Shutter speed: 1/30

ISO: 100

Focal length: 30 mm

Freeze Motion

Aperture: f/5,6

Shutter speed: 1/500

ISO: 400

Focal length: 40 mm

I have posted a more of the shots I got that beautiful day in the woods right here.